8am put on what i thought was a mild humble church outfit, after yesterday's....experience.....
reduced me wardrobe to about 40 pieces, including leggings.
wanna only spend 2 seconds gettin ready n packin n stuffs fo da rest o mah life....
n all da close i was so sentimentally attached to cuz...so n so gave em to me etc.....im makin into a quilt
tried to keep simple clohes
let go of my peacock flashy dressings
neway, thought i was simple as can be in my 70's floral print gown, plaid shirt over....but still felt a lil like a highlighter in my pew
good intentions as usual
ne....churchy church, twas nice. Learned about Jesus Christ and why he was da only one who could atone for us, n what he did....
biked to Ponds at Punaluu old folks home, ran into awesome Percy da Maori,
and da reason i went there....Tutu Ali......
she is 92-93 depending on da moment
ne ways, never thought i would be embarrassed around/by folks over 80, but....
Percy was playing the guitar and playin some old classics for them they loved, were singing along to....
and.....Percy asked me to play a couple songs on da guitar
anyway, sweet old Ali, who cried to me to not forget her and return to visit her, and adopted me as her daughter, says, 1/2way through my first song, which obviously is not a hit based on the complete solemn bemused faces of my elderly audience, "hey, we can here to listen to HIM play".....
sweet ole Percy then turned to me after my shameful Redemption Song and said, "good! you should come here every week!"....and everyone began to sing and light up as Percy played again
I then decided I want to know how to play for every generation and I felt embarrassed I didn't know songs that would please them.
da end